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Kevin Su

More About Me

I'm from San Jose, CA. My Chinese name is 苏鑫玉.

I (intermittently) play badminton with the GSAS badminton club and enjoy biking through the city. Unfortunately I have a torn meniscus so now I just lift.

I used to play the piano and violin. Currently learning guitar (on a Fender Stratocaster). I also like making music with my blockmates. Checkout @dewolfeboys on Spotify!

I like reading sci-fi/fantasy/manga, watching shows with friends, and playing games (e.g. league, chess, and recently, valorant).

I'm a keyboard enthusiast (hi r/mk). Some keyboards I own:
I know Colemak (but still use Qwerty anyways). My peak typing speed is 170 WPM (on monkeytype).

Currently running Arch (i use arch btw) Ubuntu with BSPWM on my desktop and yabai + skhd on my Macbook.

My favorite font is Iosevka (which hopefully is what you're seeing right now), and my favorite colorscheme is Gruvbox Material, but Nord and Catpuccin are pretty nice too.